hospital bag, for mom, for newborn

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Labor And Delivery

One of life’s “little” surprises is when your baby might come.  There’s no way of predicting the day or time.  Only about 5% of births happen on their due date at 40 weeks, and a baby is not considered preterm after 37 weeks.  About 80% of women deliver between 37 and 42 weeks.

We were told to have a hospital packed by about 35 weeks to be well prepared.  At the very least for the last month before your due date, you should be ready to go.

Granted, once your contractions start, you are likely to have some time to pack (especially for a first pregnancy).  That’s when last minute items can go in the bag.  Depending on how strong your contractions are though, you’re not going to be in the best frame of mind.

Here are a few items to bring to make your labor & delivery plus postpartum stay more comfortable.  Even if you live close by, unless you have extra help it’s unlikely you’ll be able to grab something from home if you really want it.

Labor & Delivery:

In many hospitals you will be delivering the baby in a separate room and recovering/spending your first days with your newborn in a different room.  You can pack separate bags and leave the postpartum bag in the car if you wish.

Mommy’s Bag

    • Pillows – Hospital pillows aren’t the most luxurious or supportive so you might want to bring a:

Breastfeeding pillow – Personally I suggest a flat supportive pillow that your tiny newborn can stay on without slipping off as easily.
Buckwheat pillows – These pillows can be molded and even stand up by themselves.  My nurses even asked about them.

  • Birthing Ball – Ask if your hospital provides these or if you can alternatively bring your own

birth ball, round, for labor

  • Small focal object – Perhaps a favorite trinket or item to focus on
  • Cellphone and charger – You may have music to stream
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup) – Mouthwash may be more practical initially, though personal hygiene is not likely going to be one of your top concerns! On the off chance that you are able to keep it together, you can of course apply some makeup!
  • Music / Hypnobirthing / Affirmations
  • Robe – Replace your hospital gown if you wish
  • Slippers – Postpartum you might be bleeding, so having a pair of disposable slippers from the dollar store comes in handy
  • Lip Balm – Staying hydrated is important but your lips might still get chapped
  • Favorite liquids or snacks – The hospital will likely have a supply of juice but you can bring light nourishment if you like. Coconut water or sports drinks may be helpful for efficient hydration
  • Birth Plan – More than likely, your birth will probably not fall in line exactly with your plan, but a written document does help outline your wishes when you’re not going to be in the frame of mind to do so!
  • Breastfeeding accessories – While nursing pads may not be necessary until your milk “comes in”, you can always bring a pack of disposable ones.  Nipple cream can help early on though
  • Nursing bra 
  • Maternity clothes to wear home
  • Baby clothes  – onesie and long sleeve jump suit
  • Diapers and Wipes – Just in case, for the ride home

Daddy’s Bag

  • Snacks – Your wife may not be able to eat much but you’re going to need some replenishment during longer labor!  Just try not to eat your wife’s favorite foods right in front of her.
  • Camera – I’ve heard of some going in with a GoPro to film births though this may not be everyone’s cup of tea!
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, comb)
  • Change of clothing and Sleepwear
  • Cellphone and charger
  • Instructions from Mom – Especially if you’re the primary support person for Mom, you may want to discuss a plan during labor.  Can you apply counterpressure to her back or remind her to do lamaze breaths?  What should you do if your wife is unmedicated but is in excruciating pain?

One of the most important pieces of gear to get is the car seat for the ride home.  Once you get home, aside from the baby stuff you will need heavy maxi pads for the bleeding if you delivered vaginally.  For C sections you will likely be given items to help with recovery.

Good luck!

what to pack in your hospital bag labor delivery


what to pack in your hospital bag labor delivery
what to pack in your hospital bag labor delivery

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