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Viral Village – Parenting Link Roundup Apr 2019

This month’s viral village brings another few stories from the month that caught our attention.   Here are some of our favorite viral stories from the last month.

30 Comics Why Parenting Is Not For The Faint Of Heart – Fellow parent Jonathan Jui captures parenting in 30 hilarious comics

Time out for time outs: Why pediatricians now promote ‘positive parenting’– Canada’s pediatric society officially recommends not doing time outs, but going for time ins instead.

50 Funny Reasons For Toddler Tantrums – Toddlers have the best excuses for their tantrums, really.

How Young Is Too Young For A Smartphone – With technology ever present, here’s an attempt at answering this million dollar question.

Angelic Baby Names – Pregnant and name hunting?  Here are some names that mean angel.

Parenting Books For The Privileged Through The Ages – A humorous look at parenting books as they would have been through the ages.  If you know the modern book you’ve read too many parenting books!


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